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My Love Affair with Coffee

My relationship with Coffee goes a long way back.  It started with my mom adding a tinge of NesCafé  in milk to “change the colour” of milk so that I would drink milk. As I grew, so did the strength of the coffee. By the time I was 13, the tinge of coffee became one teaspoon full. Until then, I was really never exposed to the Café Culture. The best café that I went to during the first 13 years of my life were Mysore Café and Mani Lunch Home in Matunga to have authentic South Indian Filter Coffee.

My first ever experience of non-milky coffee was at Matheran. I remember the day vividly. It was February and I had gone for a week-off with my parents and sister to our favorite holiday destination – Matheran. Being cold at night, my parents decided to order “Espresso” (which, by the way, is pronounced as “Ex-presso” in Matheran) from one of those small joints which dot the Mall Road. Being curious, even I wanted to try the drink that my parents were enjoying. The first sip burnt my tongue! It was hot, it was bitter and to my surprise I really enjoyed the bitterness!

Soon after, Barista opened up near my place and my father, who loves good coffee as much as I do, took us to try out the joint. I go through menu, see exhobirantly high prices against a huge spread of Hot and Cold Coffees (Rs. 70 for a cup of coffee 12 years ago was a big deal when you compare it to Rs. 10 per cup at Mysore Café!!).I had my first sip and it struck me then… I was in love with Coffee! There was no other drink that excited me as much or that tempted me! That in the true sense was my first date with coffee.
Since then, coffee and I have shared a very strong bond. Coffee and I are still dating, meeting each other atleast 2-3 times a day, enjoying each other’s company, going on dates, double dates, just hanging out with each other’s friends, exploring new places…

You can know more about this relationship on


  1. Lovd it, keep writing Rena, nt jst cofe bt many othr things dt u wud lyk to share wit evry1.

  2. Awesome! I miss filter coffee with u n sigma @ bayleaf.. ! :( Remember once you entered cafeteria (shambu) ka kitchen to make mast wali coffee for us ! :D

  3. Thanks Rahul! will try to write about something else once I get into the writing mode!!
    Navdeep - yeah... next blog is dedicated to all those memories!!


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