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Elections 2014

So I finally got some time off for myself and decided to write a blog. Would deviate from writing about  my coffee experiences but then I'm writing with a cuppa coffee in my hand :)

Well, we're obviously in the election season and things are as heated as a cuppa cappuccino! While I was considering whom to vote for in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, I reached out people who actually see progress (or don’t see progress) at grass root levels. This is when I realised that in Maharashtra, the government in the last 10 years has been doing a lot for the people; things that you and I would generally overlook or wouldn’t even bother trying to find out about. These 2 things really impressed me. Some of these experiences are my own while some of them have been shared by various people around me (I wouldn't name them in order to respect their privacy).

To start with, I was amazed at what all the government is doing in the state-run schools. All of us are aware that education is free for children upto Std. 4. Post which they have to pay a nominal fee of Rs. 5 in Std 5, Rs. 6 in Std 6 and so  on. What most of us don't know, however, is the facility that these students get in the state-run schools. Let me list down these in a point-wise format for you:
  1. Mid-Day Meal: Every child studying in a state-run school gets a wholesome meal EVERYDAY. This generally consists of a bowl of rice along with some gravy or curry.
  2. Vitamin and Iron Supplements: Every child is compulsorily given an Iron and Multi-Vitamin Supplement EVERYDAY
  3. Other necessities: There are 27 items in this list but I will share the major ones:
    1. 2 sets of uniforms (including ties for the boys and ribbons for the girls)
    2. 2 pairs of socks
    3. 1 pair of shoes
    4. 1 rain coat
    5. Text Books, Work Books and Note Books
    6. Geometry Set
    7. Box of Paints/Crayons (depending on the class in which the student studies)
    8. Water bottle
    9. Tiffin Box
However, having said this, the problems in these schools are many. With lack of staff, teachers are made to do clerical work and most of their time is spent in running administrative chores than teaching. Also, the infrastructure of the schools is very poor with un-clean toilets, dirty desks and no janitor to clean the school. If these things are set in order, I'm sure that the quality of education provided by the state-run schools will be at par with the private-run/partly government funded schools. I'm sure that this is the next step towards progress! "Padhega India tabhi tog badhega India"

Coming to the next thing which has amazed me is the condition of roads in the interiors of Maharashtra. Yes, you read it right.. I'm talking about the conditions of the roads! Not in Mumbai (definitely!! :p) In the last 10 years, I have the opportunity to travel to quite a few destinations by road. These include  a trip to Indore via Dhule; a trip to Nanded, Solapur, Kolhapur, crossing the Kokan while on my way back from Goa. All these things had one thing in common (except ofcourse the fact that I was vacationing ;) ) - good roads. All the highways that I traveled on were what I would in my slang call "sapaat" or smooth. I did not mind paying toll at any place because the drive was so pleasurable! I reached Indore (which is 586kms away from Mumbai) in exactly 8 hours after halting on the way for chai-nashta! I have been wanting to understand why the roads in the suburbs of Mumbai and Thane are so bad but then there isn't any explanation for this, right? You can name corruption but then, by logic, shouldn’t the roads in the interiors of Maharashtra be just as bad as Mumbai? The only problem that I face while travelling within Maharashtra is the lack of eating joints. Unlike North India where you will find a dhabha after every 5kms, Maharashtra highways are in need of some eating joints. Guess, that should be my business idea! ;)

While I'm impressed with the development in Maharashtra (highest employment rate and not a very bad GDP either), I know that too much work remains to be done. Whichever party/alliance forms the next government, I hope that we see an upward trend in development and that each and everyone of us has a reason to be amazed (good reasons :p)!

Until then, be a responsible citizen - vote wisely and keep sipping on that coffee!


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