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Modi Sarkar ne kiya bantadhar!

India has seen a new Government in the last few months and people are elated with rising stock market and tomatoes (in the near future) costing Rs. 10 per kg (let’s not look at the excessive stock as a reason for this) and fuel prices dropping across Maharashtra!

Great news, na? Well actually I beg to differ! Let’s look at some instances of the “invincible” Modi Sarkar that made my blood boil like never before:

Centre issues a directive to the High Court that for child passports unwed mothers need to declare how she conceived the child (Link: Why should it anger you? Well, for one, we have been fighting to get women stand up for their rights! When Nirbhaya was raped, BJP strongly condemned Shiela Dixit, the CM of Delhi at that time, asking for her resignation. What BJP Government has done today has shamed me to no extent. They have taken away every woman’s right to a decent life! If I conceive a child out of wedlock, it’s my problem not your’s! Gaining an Indian passport is the right of every Indian citizen. By giving such a directive, the Government has blatantly overridden Article 21 of the Constitution (the Holy Book of Democratic India) that guarantees a Right to Life!

You may say that it’s just an affidavit, but do you realise the kind of questions that the woman will  be asked when she goes along with her child to the Passport Office and later to the Police Station for verification? Some pro-Modi fans may say “Jab shadi ke bina bachcha paida karne mein sharam nahi aayi toh ab kyu sharmana”. Well, dear Moditards, it’s a woman’s choice to have a baby and there’s nothing against the Indian sabhiyata coz our religious text themselves talk about so many unwed women giving birth to great legends like Anjali gave birth to Hanuman!

We as women and educated members of the society are trying to bring about a change wherein women are treated equally! If we take 5 steps towards this goal, your dear Government pulls us back 10 steps. All I can say on behalf of every woman in India is THANK YOU FOR NOTHING. We now know that there’s no one to protect us and this battle is ours alone to fight!
Sidelining Indira Gandhi on ‘Rashtriya Ekta Diwas’ – Ironical, no? I agree that the UPA Government, in the last 10 years, did not give Sardar Patel his due and I’m glad that you’ll have not left him as a forgotten hero. But in the process of bringing to light one hero’s achievements, you have, on purpose, pulled down another hero! Yes, Indira Gandhi was a hero. She had the guts to force population control measures down the throat of every Indian. Thanks to her initiative, we hadn’t crossed China in our population measures. She had the guts to tell the world that we are not going to take any attacks from any army lying down. She had the guts to stand up for what she believed in! Is it right for you to bring down another leader just coz she’s a Gandhi and a leader of the Congress? That’s a very cheap shot!

3.     Modi’s closeness to the Ambanis – When UPA was in power, we used to constantly hear about how Ambanis are ruling the country. Is it any different now? Mr. Ambani puts an arm around the shoulder of the Prime Minister of India and his wife refers to him as ‘Naren bhai’ as if they were chilling at home. Is it just me who is unnerved by this? Doesn’t this PDA (yes, I choose to call it that) bring to light the close bonds shared between Modi and the Ambanis? [Yes, I agree that Ambanis must have been closer to Modi during his days as the CM of Gujarat but this open, uninhibited show of affection gives me the creeps]. I’m scared of being ruled over by Mr. Ambani all over again!

The list is endless and in the few months I’m already tired of all the marketing gimmicks Mr. Modi and his Government has pulled (Diwali celebrations in Kashmir to Swach Bharat Abhiyan and his international trips).

In the end I just want to say this.

Dear Modi Government,
If you are reading this, then please stop exploiting us further! We’ve already been drained by the UPA. We don’t need your shit for the next 5 years. Please get to concrete work that  helps in human development!

Your Truly,

An Angry Indian Woman!


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